Monday, September 20, 2010

A Family Reunion (And Poison Ivy)

Saturday marked only the second time I've been to my mom's mom's mom's side family reunion. This was the Clements reunion, the side where we're all related distantly to Samuel Clemens (i.e. Mark Twain). I can't help bragging about this, no matter how distant the relationship may be.

There I got to see 3 of my 4 cousins on my mom's side of the family. The oldest, Jacob, I hadn't seen in years. He's 15 now and taller than me, which totally weirded me out. I was so excited to see him and his little brothers.

He and I hung out most of the day talking, catching up, and making fun of each other for being old. I also forced him to eat a plum, took pics of him smashing a pinata, and generally attempted to irritate him in any way possible. Isn't family great? At the end, we escaped the reunion and took a walk by the road. He wanted to show me a creek nearby.

Had I known that his plans involved sliding down two vertical, overgrown banks, tramping through jungles of poison ivy, slipping on frog egg covered river rocks, and eventually ending up barefoot (the reason my foot now has a large, possibly infected, stick-induced hole in it), I may have chosen not to wear Birkenstocks and short shorts.

But besides the foot injury and the constellation of pink, itchy, poison ivy bumps covering my legs and arms, and some other random parts of my body that I can't figure out how they got there, we had a fantastic time. It made me feel like a kid again, playing in the creek with my cousin, just like when we were little. I love family reunions.

Now I have to go apply the itch cream. Stupid poison ivy.

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